So you want to be a big city Paramedic? Rots-a-ruck, fella! While we usually give our medics a hard way to go, make no mistake about it – they have one of the hardest and most demanding jobs on the city payroll and few firefighters would trade places with them. They take thousands of calls a year, treat thousands of patients and deal with an administration that constantly abuses them. No wonder they usually don’t last very long.

Here is an example of the dangers they face. This is a picture of a bullet hole discovered in our ambulance a few tours back. Note the location – right into the driver’s compartment. It’s clear that a few INCHES was the difference between laughing this incident off with our typical gallows humor, and making arrangements for a LOD funeral. As usual the medics took it in stride and went right back on the street. Dedication like that is hard to come by.


  1. momhoppes says:

    Holy crap! Gun fire being heard around here is pretty much a given (hunting, forest, personal firing ranges, etc.) But we’ve never been shot at before. (Threatened by a hallucinating drug addict at which point we turn around and wait for the cops to show up but no actual follow through.)

    Once again, I will not trade places with any of your EMS. The people here are nuts, but they’re backwoods nuts. City nuts is a whole different ball game.

  2. fuzzysdad01 says:

    Holy Sh** Batman

  3. Hanry T.Jacobs says:

    Capt. A, its interesting that nothing has been posted either in the Media or any of the 3 Forums that I read . Wonder what the coverage would have been if Neuter’s,Gillikson’s or Bro.Lloyd’s cars had been shot at. Oh well,I would guess that thier take would be to now start Browning Out Squads to eliminate the OT and the chances to being fired at. Crazy ,Crazy world,Jake

  4. Bob G. says:

    Jeezus H. Tap-Dancing Christ!
    WTF is going on in Philly?

    Cripes, it’s looking more like DETROIT every day there…
    Glad no one was tagged by that SOB.
    (And I worry about my nephew – he’s a smoke-eater in the DCFD)

    Never thought you’d have to UP-ARMOR a damn ambulance!

    You (all) roll safe out there.